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Allied Karma

Allied Karma

Allied karma are those which are done for the therapeutic purpose, which resembles the Panchkarma, but many of them has more a localized action. Details of a allied karma are as follows.



In this type of allied karma oil is applied all over body. In layman’s language it can be called as a massage. It is helpful in treatment of many diseases such as osteoarthritis, paralysis, skin diseases, pain etc.. it can be done on a specific area of body as well. It is commonly done as pre-procedure of many Panchkarma.

Time required

At least 30 min


In this type of allied karma patient is expected to sweat with the help of medicated steam or few other medicated procedures. Diseases related with vat & Kaph can be treated with this procedure. it can be done on a specific area of body as well. It is commonly done as pre-procedure of many Panchkarma.

Time required

At least 30 min


In this type of allied karma oil or a Kadha (Medicated Water) is poured over forehead of a patient & simultaneously music is played. This procedure takes 45 mins. This procedure is mainly helpful in stress related disorders, insomnia, depression, epilepsy etc…

Time required

At least 45 min


In this type of allied karma a type of pot is created over neck with the help of aata and oil is poured into it. This procedure takes 50 mins. It is mainly done in cervical spondilysis.

Time required

At least 50 min

Kati - Basti

In this type of allied karma a type of pot is created over lower back with the help of aata and oil is poured into it. This procedure takes 50 mins. It is mainly done in Lumbar spondilysis.

Time required

At least 50 min


In this type of allied karma oil is poured over knee this procedure takes 50 mins. It is mainly done in knee osteo-Arthritis.

Time required

At least 50 min


In this type of allied karma a type of pot is created over Eye with the help of aata and Ghruta is poured into it. This procedure takes 50 mins. It is mainly done in eye disorders, strain on eyes etc…

Time required

At least 50 min


In this type of allied karma a affected part of body is burnt with the help of hot metal. It takes 2 mins. It sounds very primitive but really helpful and not much painful. It is helpful in diseases related with muscles and ligaments and in some cases of arthritis.

Time required

At least 2 min - 5 min

Uttar - basti

in this type of allied karma medicine is incorporated in uterus in female patient and in urinary bladder in case of male patient. This procedure is mainly done in infertility. It is also helpful in urinary track spasm, tubal block, Azoospermia etc…

Time required

At least 15 min - 20 min and It is carried out for 3 consecutive days or as per patient’s purpose.